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Starting Research Projects: Introduction

Guidelines On Conducting Library Research

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Choosing A Topic

Review The Assignment

  • What type of assignment are you doing? A research paper? A presentation?
  • Are there any requirements with regard to length and number of sources?
  • Does the assignment focus on current issues or are there any timeline restrictions?
  • Does your professor want you to use only scholarly material or are popular research sources acceptable?
  • Are you asked to present viewpoints, whether it be your own or others?


Choose a topic that interests you. Use the following questions to help generate topic ideas.

  • Do you have a strong opinion on a current social or political controversy revolving around your topic?
  • Did you read a news story recently that has piqued your interest or elicited an emotional response?
  • Do you have a personal interest about a research topic that you would like more information about?
  • Is there an aspect of the class that you are interested in learning more about?

Refine The Topic
As you browse and search for relevant sources, such as articles and books, refine your topic based on what you find. While examining these sources, consider how other researchers discuss and evaluate the topic. How might the sources inform or challenge your approach to your research question?

Where To Begin?

alt="Image of a workflow. First box: Read instructions carefully. Identify the scope of the project, instructor's exceptions, and due dates. Second box: Select a topic. Brainstorm key concepts related to the topic like people, places, and places. Third Box: Begin researching the key concepts. Keep in mind instructor's requirements for types of sources. Fourth Box: Revise the topic as needed. Research is not linear. Fifth Box: Consult with a librarian for help! Book an appointment or stop by the Stephen B. Luce Library."

Brainstorming Example

Key concepts related to the topic "Marine Conservation".
alt="Image of a mind map. In the middle is the word Marine Conservation. Additional circles point outward including the terms: bodies of water, non-profit organizations, names of scientists, government agencies, marine plants, and marine animals"

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