HeinOnline AcademicThis link opens in a new windowHeinOnline Academic includes more than 100 million pages of multidisciplinary content in more than 100 subject areas, including history, political science, criminal justice, religious studies, international relations, women’s studies, pre-law, and many more. With more historical content than any other database, HeinOnline provides access to 300+ years of information on political development and the complete history of the creation of government and legal systems around the world. Among the many databases included, HeinOnline’s journal collection features nearly 2,800 periodicals relating to a variety of subject areas, with all coverage dating from inception to the most currently published issues in most cases.Database Help
LegalTracThis link opens in a new windowLegalTrac provides indexing and selective full-text for all major law reviews, law journals, specialty law and bar association journals and legal newspapers. The database offers coverage of federal and state cases, laws and regulations, legal practice and taxation, as well as British Commonwealth, European Union, and international law.
Insurance and Liability CollectionThis link opens in a new windowInsurance and Liability Collection provides access to academic journals and trade publications covering the insurance industry and topics such as labor relations, mortgage banking, legal issues, and more.
Guide to Legal Research
This guide contains links to the most used legal resources at the Stephen B. Luce Library.