The reference page is a formal list of all the sources that were used in the research assignment. This list is often found at the end of the research paper. It is usually organized alphabetically by author, and the citations are comprised of elements that are given from the source being used in a paper.
Carson R. 1962. Silent spring. Boston (MA): Houghton Mifflin.
Farley T, Galves A, Dickinson LM, Perez MJ. Forthcoming 2005 Jul. Stress, coping, and health: a comparison of Mexican immigrants, Mexican-Americans, and non-Hispanic whites. J Immigr Health.
Watson RR, Preedy VR, editors. 2010. Bioactive foods in promoting health: fruits and vegetables [Internet]. Amsterdam: Academic Press; [accessed 2022 Apr 22]. Available from:
Format a Hanging Indent in Microsoft Word
In Paragraph Toolbar,
select PopOut Tool
(Tiny arrow in corner of toolbar - should generate a Paragraph Tools popout window.)
In PopOut Window, select : Indentation / Special / Hanging / By: 0.5" (important)!
Paste your Reference into MS Word.
It should be automatically formatted with a hanging indent.