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Database Tutorials : Library Catalog

Library Catalog One-Search

Stephen B. Luce Library Catalog


Searching For Books Using the Library Catalog

Searching For Books In SUNY Maritime Library Catalog

  • Search for title, author or subject in search box
  • Leave EVERYTHING as the default search scope (A). This will search everything including other SUNY institutions. Use SUNYShare to request.
  • Use filters on the left  to select Available online under Availability for e-materials (B) and Books under Resource Type (C) to exclude other material types like articles and images. 

Screenshot of library catalog showing the search bar and filters. Enter the title, author, or subject into the search bar, then fiter on the left by availability and resource type.

Finding Physical Locations

Generally, the SUNY Maritime Library has (4) collection locations:

  1. Bound Periodicals - 1st Floor
  2. Circulating Collection - 2nd Floor
  3. Course Reserves - 1st Floor (behind the Circulation Desk)
  4. Maritime Heritage Collection - 2nd Floor




FAQ - Books

Can I borrow textbooks for my class from the Libraries?

The University Bookstore - Ship's Store provides a list of all required and recommended textbooks that are available for purchase..

If your professor says a book is available in the Libraries, it is probably on Course Reserves. Check for course updates

If the book is not available through Course Reserves, you can search the Library Catalog to see if we own it as part of the regular collection.

Where are the fiction books?

We do not have a separate fiction section. You can search the Library Catalog to find them by title, author and genre. Fiction books are shelved by Library of Congress call number, alongside any criticism and biographies of the author and their works.

How do I borrow a book?

Bring your student ID card and the book to the Circulation desk located near the front entrance of the library.

How many books can I borrow, and how long can I keep them?

Find out about borrowing privileges from Circulation & Reserves..

What if I want a book that's not owned by the Libraries?

Place an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request for it. If another library has it, we might be able to borrow it for you, for a short period time. Keep in mind that the lending library sets the due date, and some materials, such as new books and textbooks, may not be available.

How do I renew a book?

Most books can be renewed online by logging into your library account. If you need help, contact the Circulation Desk at 718-409-7231 or

Can I get a book that someone else has checked out?

You can submit a recall. When a recall is submitted, the person who has the book is given a new due date, and the fine structure is changed. Log in into your Library Account and click on the call number of item then the recall link in order to request a recall.

What if I can't find the book on the shelf?

  • Double check the call number and the location of the book to make sure that you are looking in the correct place
  • Check the carts near the location of the book - someone might have placed it in on one of the carts for re-shelving
  • As a last step, check with the Circulation/Reserves desk. Be aware that this process takes some time. You can choose to be notified if we find the book.

What if a book is listed as lost or missing in the Library Catalog?

Fill out an Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Request Form.

Why are some books listed as non-circulating?

For a variety of reasons, including demand, fragility, or age, some items may not be borrowed. Most of these items can be scanned or photocopied, and then placed in re-shelving bins. Some materials, such as Reference items, may circulate for short periods of time on a case-by-case basis at the decision of the Library Director. Always ask at the closest service desk with any questions. Items in Special Collections and the Library Archives have their own use policies. 

What if I still need more help?

Chat with a Librarian or contact us via email at

Stephen B. Luce Library || SUNY Maritime College || 6 Pennyfield Avenue, Bronx, NY 10465 || Phone: (718) 409-7231 || Email:

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